Made from fresh cow milk

We produce dairy products of the highest quality.

L&Z started its fresh yogurt production journey in 2003 with xx cows. Fast forward to today, and the company churns out staggering xxx liters of milk annually, sourced from over xxxx cows. This transformation has made L&Z the largest vertically integrated dairy firm in Nigeria. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a vertically integrated company like L&Z owns the cows and handles every step of milk production, from farm to shelf.

Banana Flavored Fresh Yoghurt
Strawberry Flavored Fresh Yoghurt
Vanilla Flavored Fresh Yoghurt
UnFlavored Sweetened Fresh Yoghurt
UnFlavored UnSweetened Fresh Yoghurt
Sweetened Fura da Nono
UnFlavored Sweetened Greek Yoghurt
UnFlavored UnSweetened Greek Yoghurt
Pasteurized & Homoginised Fresh Milk